Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Deck-Builders Provide Carefree Maintenance Program

Decks are beautiful extensions of aesthetic homes and have gradually become essential as far as the resell value of a house is concerned. Decks are perfect places for spending time with one’s own self, relaxing with family and friends, or entertaining guests. 

The average life-span of a normal exterior wooden deck is approximately 15 years. However, older decks might decay and fall without a warning thus necessitating the provision of regular maintenance services by deck-builders. 

Professional deck-builders must focus on building a strong and safe deck as well as providing a carefree maintenance program because:

i. Decks Need Secure Connections: Decks require secure connections in order to have a strong, reliable and continuous load path. The modern-day constructors make use of a continuous load path for transferring the weight evenly through a number of positive connections created in a series all over the deck’s structure. The use and maintenance of continuous load paths assists in resisting lateral movements, uplifting and sustaining the weights of deck-users.

ii. Critical connections: Deck-builders must provide regular maintenance to the ledger attachment and joints. The ledger attachment is the sole connection where the ledger is attached to the house. Deck-builders must regularly check and maintain the through-bolts or lag screws in the critical areas for safety and security.

Carefree maintenance program must be provided by professional deck-builders so that deck stands strongly for years to come.